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Writer's pictureChrissie Angell

When God Invites Us to Do Big Things

January may be my favorite month of the year. January brings a fresh start and new beginnings. I love the clean slate of a new calendar and the dreaming it invites. Each year, I spend one day in the week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve dreaming with the Lord about what the upcoming year will look like and how I can accomplish all that He has planned.

This year was no different. In fact, the Lord is writing new things, big things on my heart for this upcoming year, things for this very ministry, and how we can serve you! I am so excited and cannot wait to share them with you!

But, honestly, a lot of the plans the Lord is revealing to me are scary because they are SO much bigger than me. As I’ve been talking to the Lord about what He’s inviting me to do, Isaiah 43:19 keeps coming to mind.

“Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 (CSB)

In Isaiah 43, God declares to Israel that He has a plan for them. Repeatedly, He tells them not to fear because they belong to Him, and He is with them (Isaiah 43:2,5). Throughout the chapter, He reminds them of who He is and the magnificent works He has already done to care for and provide for them. (It’s an exciting chapter, and I highly recommend taking the time to read it!)

When the Lord asks us to do something big and scary, we can rest in His goodness, remembering that, like Israel, we are His, and He is with us!

I love that Isaiah 43:19 reminds us that God is the one doing the “new things.” We don’t have to make things happen and strive for perfection. Instead, we simply need to seek Him and allow Him to lead us. If He can make a path in the wilderness and create rivers in the desert, He can surely show us where to go and what to do. Rest assured, if God ordains that something is going to take place, it will happen! When God acts, no one can stop it because no one holds the power He does!

Sweet friend, is God calling you to something today that seems too large for you to accomplish? Maybe the idea excites you, but you don’t know where to begin or how to do the thing He’s asking of you.

Do not fear! God is with you, and if He asks you to do it, He will give you everything you need to complete the task! I encourage you to talk to Him about it, listen carefully for His guidance, and then step out in humble faith as you walk alongside Him. Remember, you aren’t the one doing the new thing; God is! And, God cannot fail!

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